CS 21001 Discrete Structure

(Autumn Semester 2008)

Niloy Ganguly niloy@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in

Teaching Assistant

Sahil Manocha manochaiitkgp@gmail.com

Rajat Sethi catch.rajat@gmail.com


Marks are out- enjoy!!


NEW -- Class Test - 11.09.08 (6 pm) (4.30pm)

All scribes due by 11.09.08


All scribes due by 30th October

Class Test - 15.09.08 - 6.45 - 7.45 Room No 119/120

Tutorial 6 - 17.09.08 -  5.30 - 7.30


       Students List



  Lectures   : 	Mon - 5, Tue - 3,4, Thu -1 

  Room #     :  CSE 119

  Units      :	3-1-0

  Credits    :  4 (Theory) 

  Instructor :	Niloy Ganguly

  Contact    : 	Room #313  (CSE), Phone 3460

Text Book:

[1] Discrete Mathematical Structures

	Kolman, Busby, Ross

	PHI, 2004.



Sl No. Date Topic Scribe (Roll No)
1 22.07.08 Set theory 07CS1001 07CS1020 07CS3024
3. 24.07.08 Sequence, Regular Expressions 07CS1002
4. 28.07.08 Integers, GCD 07CS1003
5. 29.07.08 Matrices 07CS1004
7. 31.07.08 Mathematical Structures 07CS1005 07CS1025
8. 4.08.08 Logic 07CS1006
9. 5.08.08 Methods of Proof 07CS1009
11. 11.08.08 Induction 07CS1010 07CS1029
12. 12.08.08 Pigeonhole Principle, probability 07CS1011
14. 19.08.08 Recurrence Relation, Partition 07CS1011 07CS1030
16. 25.08.08 Relation 07CS1012
18. 26.08.08 Digraphs, Types of Relations 07CS1014 07CS1035 07CS3021 07CS3028
20. 02.09.08 Equivalence Relations, Quotient set, Relation as a set 07CS1016
21. 08.09.08 Operations on Relations, Closure 07CS1018
23. 07.09.08 Compositions of Relations, Transitive Closure and Warshall's Algorithm 07CS1019 07CS1039
25. 11.09.08 Functions 07CS1040
26. 13.10.08 Growth of Functions 07CS1021
28. 17.10.08 Permutation Function 07CS1032 07CS3026
30. 20.10.08 Partial Order 07CS3004
31. 21.10.08 Digraph Construction, Hasse Diagrams, Topological Sorting, Isomorphism 07CS3006 07CS3028
32. 24.10.08 Greatest/Least element of a partially ordered set, Upper Bound/ Lower Bound (Extra Class) 07CS3009 07CS3019
33 30.10.08 Lattice 07CS3012
34. 03.11.08 Special types of Lattice 07CS3013
35. 04.11.08 Binary Operations, Semigroups, Monoids 07CS3016 07CS3011
37. 06.11.08 Isomorphisms and Homomorphisms 07CS3018
38. 10.11.08 Group 07CS3020


Teacher's Assessment : 20

Class Test - 1, (Solution)

Class Test - 2, (Solution)
Mid-sem : 30 (Solution - 07CS3027)
End-sem : 50 (Solution - 07CS1017)


Each tutorial to be submitted in one week.

Sl No Date Tutorial Solution
1. 7.08.08 Tutorial - 1 Solution - 1
2. 14.08.08 Tutorial - 2 Solution - 2
3. 21.08.08 Tutorial - 3 Solution - 3
4 28.08.08 Tutorial -4 Solution - 4
5. 04.09.08 Tutorial -5 Solution - 5
6. 23.10.08 Tutorial -6 Solution - 6
7. 06.11.08 Tutorial -7 Solution - 7