I am not updating it any further, some recent talk information can be found in my CV
- Opinion and Information Dynamics over Social Networks.
HSBC GAC Analytics Symposium 2020 (online)
Dec 11
- Ensuring Fairness in Two Sided Markets.
Leibniz AI Future Lab Kickoff
Aug 31 - Sep2.
Ensuring Fairness in Two Sided Markets.
UKIERI SPARC Webinar Series:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning l 26 June 2020
June 26.
- Ensuring Fairness in Two Sided Markets.
International Summit on Data Science and AI, 2020
June 18-20.
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
TRAI Seminar on “Emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”
March 13, 2020, Kolkata
TV Report (18
- Ensuring Fairness in Two Sided Markets.
The Inaugural
Symposium on Data Science
Centre for Research and Education in Data
Science, IIT Palakkad
Feb 22. 2020
- Ensuring Fairness in Two Sided Markets.
LinkedIn-MSR-IISc workshop on
Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics in Machine Learning
January 9 and 10, 2020
- Information and Opinion Dynamics in Online Social Networks
Learning with
Temporal Point Processes NeurIPS 2019 Workshop,
Saturday, 14 December 2019, Vancouver
- Fairness in Designing Crowd-Sourced System
Global AI Congress
September 12-14, 2019, Kolkata
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
Invited Talk,
IIT-ACB AI Deep-Dive Workshop
July 25-27. 2019, Bangalore
- NeVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs
SOLSTICE 2019: Summer Solstice
Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems 2019
July 15-17,
Dresden, 2019, Germany
- Fairness in Crowdsourced Recommendation System
Research AI Day Organized
jointly by IBM IRL and IIM Bangalore.
29 June 2019
- Recent Research on Deep Learning
HPE, Bangalore
28 June 2019
- Smartphone-based emotion detection: Research Challenges, System
Implementation and Applications
Adobe Labs, San Jose,
May 14, 2019
- Information and Opinion Dynamics
Stanford University, Computer Science Department
May 10, 2019
- Information and Opinion Dynamics
Flipkart Annual Event -
Slash n.
April 5th, 2019
- Systems and Storage Research at CNeRG
Huwaei Tech Talk, March 28,
- NeVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs
Invited Talk,
Workshop and Symposium on Advanced
Simulation Methods: DFT, MD and Beyond, Basic Principles and Modern Insights
March 6-10 2019 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
- Aspects of Computational Journalism
Invited Talk,
First RBCDSAI Web Science Symposium
Date: February 25, 2019 - February 26, 2019, ICSR Auditorium, IIT
- NeVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs
Invited Talk,
Theoretical Basis of Machine Learning,
ICTS, Bangalore,. Dec 27-29,
- Understanding Opinion Dynamics
Invited Talk,
Faculty Development program in Network Science
Delhi, 3-8 Dec 2018.
- Aspects of Computational Journalism
IIT Gandhinagar, November 12, 2018
Research in India, Panel:
10th Wireless of the
Students, by the Students, and for the Students Workshop (S3), ACM
2nd November, 2018, New Delhi
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
Indo-Taiwan Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Thursday 1 st November 2018', IIT Madras
Understanding Information and Opinion Dynamics
Invited Talk,
Dynamics of Complex
Bangalore, June 29, 2018.
- Some Aspects of Computational Journalism
Adobe Development Talk
Bangalore, June 28, 2018
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
MPI Informatics
Saarbrucken, Germany, May 28, 2018
- Some Aspects of Computational Journalism
Keynote Talk,
Research Showcase 2018 @IIITD
April 7, 2018
Anomaly Detection and Troubleshooting of Large
Scale Systems from Event Logs
Keynote Talk,
NetApp University Day
March 23, 2018
- Alleviating Travel Uncertainty of Daily Commuters
Invited Talk, ICNDE,
Kharagpur, March 7, 2018
- Alleviating Travel Uncertainty of Daily Commuters
Keynote Talk,
IEMIS, 2018
Kolkata, Feb 24, 2018
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
Keynote Talk,
ICIT, 2017
Bhubaneshwar, Dec 23. 2017
- Some Aspects of Computational Journalism
Keynote Talk,
Big Data Analytics'17
IIIT Hyderabad, Dec 15 2017
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
IIT Hyderabad, GIAN workshop on Social and Information Network Analysis
Dec 14, 2017
- Designing News Recommender Systems for Social Media
IBM, IRL, Tech Talk
Bangalore - Sept 19, 2017
- Extracting and Utilizing Information from Microblogs during Disaster
Microsoft IDC, AI School
Hyderabad, Sept 15, 2017
- Opinion and Information Dynamics,
IKDD – Data Science In India
Colocated with KDD 2017, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August'16, 2017 (given over Skype)
- SmartPhone to Improve Public Transport Experience
Indo-US Workshop onBig Data Analysis for Transportation Engineering Systems
IIT Madras, Dec 5, 2016.
- Extracting and Summarizing Situational Information from the Twitter
Social Media during Disasters,
Research Symposium
on Computing Conclave of NITs (CoCoNITs-2016)
NIT SuratKal - October 15,
- Extracting and Summarizing Situational Information from the Twitter
Social Media during Disasters,
IBM ICARE - 2016,
Bangalore - October 14, 2016
- Social Media and Disaster Management
Adobe Tech Talk,
May 13, 2016
- Understanding localization of chaotic Public Vehicles
HP Labs, Paolo
California, April 15, 2016
- Dissemination Biases of Social Media Channels: On The Topical Coverage
of Socially Shared News.
Workshop on
Analysis and Inference from UGC (WAIU),
IISc Bangalore on 28th March
- Keynote talk on Social Media and Disaster Management in the Social India
session of
India Research Summit in
Infosys Park, Pune, 30th January
- Disaster Management through Social Sensing
COMSNETS Social Networking Workshop –
Bangalore, January 9, 2016
- "Extracting Information from Microblogs during Disaster Events: A
Classification-Summarization Approach"
Event : TACTiCS Conference on Social Media Analytics
Venue: Sangam Auditorium, Yantra Park, Thane.
Date : 4th Jan 2016
- Extracting Information from Microblogs during Disaster Events: A
Classification-Summarization Approach"
Event :
Indo-US Bilateral Workshop on Large Scale Complex Network Analysis
Venue : IEEE ANTS 2015, ISI Kolkata
Date : 20th Dec 2015.
- A Navigation System to Assist Passengers traveling in Indian Public
Venue :
Date : 16th Dec 2015
- Basics of Complex Networks
Winter School
on Nonlinear Dynamics
ISI December 9-18, 2015
- Information diffusion in distributed Systems,
Networks and Games, NMI Workshop –
IIT Ropar December 8, 2015
- Coverage
maximization under resource constraints using random walk based strategies,
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy,
May 18, 2015
- Identifying Bond-based and Identity-Based Groups,
MLCN Workshop,
6, 2015
- Identifying Bond-based and Identity-Based Groups.
Adobe Research,
Bangalore, Jan 9,
- Topical Search in Twitter
Bangalore, Jan 7, 2015
- IIIT Jabalpur - Complex Networks - 22nd May, 2014
- XRCI Panel Discussion -- Smart City, March 14, 2014
- Topical Search in Twitter, IIT Bombay (Keynote Talk: Research Scholar
Day), March 1, 2014
- Topical Search in Twitter, Text Mining Workshop 2014, January 6th to 8th
2014, ISI Kolkata
- Coverage maximization under resource constraints using random walk based
strategies, TEQIP-II
Sponsored Workshop on Introduction to Opportunistic Mobile Networks and its
Applications (IOMNA) January 02 to 06, 2014, NIT Durgapur
- Topical Search in Twitter, MIKE 2013 : International Conference on
Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration, VHNSN College [Autonomous],
Virudhunagar, India, December 18-20, 2013,
- Topical Search in Twitter, PReMI. International Conference on Pattern
Recognition and Machine, ISI, Kolkata , 10-14 December, 2013
- Leveraging Bipartite network to investigate the dynamical properties of
Socio-technical systems, National Systems Conference, Centre of Excellence
in Systems Science, IIT Jodhpur 05-07 December, 2013
- Leveraging Bipartite network to investigate the dynamical properties of
Socio-technical systems, Samsung, India Research Network (IRN) Meeting
on IT Convergence, Nov 18, 2013
- Topical Search in Twitter, Yahoo Bangalore, June 17, 2013
- Coverage maximization under resource constraints using random walk based
strategies, Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics University of Hyderabad,
HYDERABAD. 15 - 18 July, 2013.
- Shift of research focus in Computer Sciences over the last fifty years: What
citation network analysis reflects?, IIT Chennai, June 11, 2013
- Information dissemination dynamics in delay tolerant network: a bipartite
network approach,
Network Over Time, satellite workshop of NetSci, June 3, 2013.
Coverage maximization under resource constraints using random walk based
strategies, cfAED (center for Advancing Electronics in Dresden), TU Dresden, May
22, 2013
- Topical Search in Twitter, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy,
April 19, 2013
- Effect of constraints on Superpeer Topologies, Infocom,
Torino, Italy, April, 15, 2013
- Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications,
Indian Institute OF Science Education AND Research Kolkata (IISER Kolkata) March
13, 2013
- Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications,
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Feb, 25, 2013
- Topical Search in Twitter MSR, Bangalore, Jan 10, 2013
Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications,
IIT Bombay, Jan 4, 2013
- Detecting Overlapping Communities in Folksonomies, (Hypertext 2012),
Milwaukee, USA, 27 June 2012
- Assessing a Soft Cut-Off on Node Degrees in the Twitter
Social Network: Effects on Network Topology, System Load, User Satisfaction and
Spamming / Link Farming Strategies”, University of Nebraska at Omaha, June
25, 2012.
- Information Dissemination Dynamics in Delay Tolerant Network: A
Bipartite Network Approach, ACM, Mobiopps, March 15, 2012
- Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter Social Network and Spam
in Twitter Networks, AT&T-Bell Labs, Jan 11, 2012
- Stability Analysis of Real-World P2P Networks, School on Network Science in
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, IISC, Bangalore - January 02 - 06,
- Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications, UCL, Louvain,
Belgium, 21st December, 2011
- Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter Social Network, ZIH, TU
Dresden, 16th December, 2011
- Web Search Queries as an Emerging New Language: Two Perspectives, Bauhaus
University, Weimer, Germany, 14th December, 2011
- Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter Social Network, ETH
Zurich, Switzerland, 12th December, 2011
- Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter Social Network, Yahoo
Bangalore, Nov 8, 2011
- Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications, Workshop on Networks:
Structure and Function, In Honour of Prof. R. E. Amritkar Nov
04-05, 2011.
- Alphabetic bipartite networks: Theory and Applications, Saha Institute of
Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, 17th October, 2011
- Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter Social Network, , ECCS,
Vienna, Sept 15, 2011
2010 and earlier
- Maximizing Network Coverage under Resource Constraints,
ZIH Colloquium, TU Dresden, 10 June, 2010
- Growth with Restriction, MPI-SWS, June 3, 2010
- Adaptive Trust Aware Community in
Unstructured P2P Network, IFIP N2S,
Paris June 25, 2009
- Growth models of Bipartite Networks,
SSIC, 2009, Gdansk,
Poland, June 22-24, 2009.
- Stability analysis of peer to peer
networks, Lip6, Paris, June 8, 2009
- How do the superpeer networks emerge,
ZIH, Colloquium, TU Dresden, May 19, 2009
- Analyzing Network Coverage in
Unstructured P2P Networks : A Complex Network Approach,
IFIP Networks 09, Aachen May 14,
Growth of Bipartite Networks: Theory and Applications,
SNA2009, Delhi, 28-31 January 2009
- Talk about Cnerg group,
Research Promotion Workshop,
IIT Kharagpur, 28 March, 2008
- Tutorial at IJCNLP, Jan 2008.
- Tutorial at ICDCN, Jan 2008.
- Scalable Evolutionary Design of
CA Pattern Classifier, Cellular Automata and its Applications in
AI. 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, December
17-19, 2007, Pune, INDIA
- Analyzing the Vulnerability of Superpeer
Networks Against Churn and Attack ----
ECE Seminar: Duke University, October 29, 2007
- Analyzing the Vulnerability of
Superpeer Networks Against Attack 14th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security, Alexandria, USA, 31 October, 2007.
- Measuring Robustness of Superpeer Topologies
-- PODC 2007.
- Self Regulated
Search in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks IBM Day in IIT Kharagpur
on April 28, 2007
- Peer to peer networks and Distributed
Innovation National Conference on Decentralized Innovation: Focus on
Rural and Small Urban Enterprises NISTADS, New Delhi, 16-17 March 2007
- Epidemic spreading on networks: A topographic view
IMSc Workshop on
Modeling Infectious Diseases
September 4-6, 2006
- Modeling consonant inventories using a complex network approach
Mini-workshop on Dynamics of Networks, June 22, 2006 Dresden, Germany.
- Developing a formal framework to measure the robustness of networks
Mini-workshop on Dynamics of Networks, June 22, 2006 Dresden, Germany.
- Analytical Insights into Immune Search.
BISON Annual Meeting. Dresden, Germany, January, 2005.
- Cellular automata based test structure with logic folding.
International Conference on VLSI Design. Kolkata, India, January, 2005.
- Design of a robust search algorithm for p2p networks.
International Conference on High Performance Computing.
Bangalore, India, December 2004.
- A cellular automata model for immune based search algorithm.
International conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2004.
- Developing efficient search algorithms for p2p networks using
proliferation and mutation.
International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems.
Catania, Italy, September 2004.
- Are Proliferation techniques more efficient than Random Walk with respect to
the fast coverage of networks?
Bios Internal group Meeting, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany, July, 2004.
- Search in unstructured networks, BISON Internal Meeting. Bertinoro, Italy, June 2004.
- Search in unstructured networks, Self Star Workshop Bertinoro, Italy, June 2004.
- Search in p2p Network.
BISON Annual Meeting. Lugano, Switzerland. January, 2004
- Immune System Methodology for Search in p2p Network.
Modeling Cafe, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany, November 2003
- Cellular Automata Based Authentication.
International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI)
Geneva, Switzerland, October, 2002
- Cellular Automata Machine for Pattern Recognition.
International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI) Geneva, Switzerland, October, 2002
- Evolving Cellular Automata as Pattern Classifier.
International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI) Geneva, Switzerland, October, 2002
- Characterization of non-linear Cellular Automata Model
For Pattern Recognition. AFSS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Science City, Calcutta, India, February, 2002
- Convergent Technology. Bharat Chamber of Commerce
Park Hotel, Calcutta, April, 2002
- Applications of Pattern Recognition Technology Texas Instrument Bangalore, India, January, 2002
- Design of An On-chip Test Pattern Generator without Prohibited Set (PPS).
International Conference on VLSI Design Bangalore, India, January, 2002
- Hamming Hash Family : Synthesis and Application.
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications Bhubaneswar, December, 2001
- General Applications of Cellular Automata Hewlett Packard Florham Park, New Jersey, USA, April, 2001
- Encryption and Pattern Recognition 3rd Dimension World Trade Center.
New York, USA, March 2001
- Design of Multiple Attractor GF(2p) Cellular Automata For Diagnosis of VLSI Circuits.
International Conference on VLSI Design Bangalore, India, January, 2001
- Hashing Through Cellular Automata.
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications Cochin, India, December, 2000
Poster Presentations
N. Ganguly, A. Deutsch. Design of an efficient search engine for p2p networks
using concepts from natural immune systems, European Conference on Complex Systems,
Torino, Italy, December, 2004. (presented by A. Deutsch).
Design of an efficient search algorithm for p2p networks using concepts
from natural immune systems.
PPSN VIII: The 8th International Conference on Parallel Problem
Solving from Nature, Birmingham, UK, 18-22 September 2004.
A biology-inspired multi-agent system for efficient search of unstructured networks,
Workshop II: Multi-Agent Systems - Swarms, Ecology, and Society, EXYSTENCE Thematic Institute
From Many-Particle Physics to Multi-Agent Systems, Dresden, August, 2004.