CS 60078 Complex Networks

(Spring Semester 2010)

Niloy Ganguly (NG) niloy@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in

Teaching Assistant
Joydeep Chandra (JC) joydeep_ch@yahoo.co.uk



Class Room/Hours

Lectures : Wed - 3, Thu - 2, Fri - 4
Room : CSE 120
Units : 3-0-0
Credits : 3
Contact : Room #313 (CSE), Phone 3460


A list of useful books and materials is given below.

Related Course Webpages

Evaluation (Tentative)

Mid-sem : 20
Term Project/ (Scribes, Assignment) : 35
Class Performance (Attendance etc): 5 
End-sem : 40


Video Lecture -

  A B
1 Date Topic Covered
31/12/09 Introduction to Complex Networks
4 01/01/10 Social Network, Small world vs Random network, Basic Graph Theory
5 06/01/10 Social Network Analysis, clique, n-clique, n-clan, k-plex, LS-set
6 07/01/10 Structural Equivalence, Clustering
7 08/01/10 Clustering coefficient, Centrality, Node betweenness, Edge betweenness
8 13/01/10 Pajek (Tutorial)
9 14/01/10 Pajek (Tutorial)
10 21/01/10 Assortativity Mixing in graphs
11 27/01/10 Configuration Model, Construction of a graph with given assortativity matrix
12 28/01/10 Assortativity derivation, Eigen vector centrality
13 3/2/2010 Eigen vector centrality
14 4/2/2010 Spectral graph theory
15 5/2/2010 Community Detection Algorithms, Spectral Bisection method,
16 10/2/2010 Wu Huberman method,
17 11/2/2010 Keningham Lin
18 12/2/2010 Divisive Algorithm, Shortest Path Betweenness
19 17/2/2010 Divisive Algorithm - Random Path Betweenness, Radichchi;s Algorithm
20 18/2/2010 Random Graphs





Term Projects