B.Tech. | Thesis summary

RFID System Design and Application


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is a wireless communication technology that enables users to uniquely identify tagged objects or people. RFID is rapidly becoming a cost-effective technology. This is in large part due to the efforts of Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense (DoD) to incorporate RFID technology into their supply chains. Due to the combined size of their operations, the RFID mandates are spurring growth in the RFID industry and bringing this emerging technology into the mainstream. An RFID system is composed of three basic components: a tag, a reader, and a host computer. RFID tags contain tiny semiconductor chips and miniaturized antennas inside some form of packaging. They can be uniquely identified by the reader/host pair and, when applied or fastened to an object or a person, that object or person can be tracked and identified wirelessly. In the present work we undertake the efforts to study the details of an RFID system and bring to light an indigenous design of a card-reader system suited for Class IV and V applications. The system designed has been simulated on MultiSim and the results obtained have been used for its performance study. In a continual effort to make a fruitful application of this technology we have further developed an RFID based Enterprise Management system for organizational attendance tracking on the run using a Parallax Inc. passive RFID system.

Work group partners

Budhaditya Saha | Chandra Vikas | Debanjan Das


T. Datta, D. Sheet, A.K. Si, S.D. Biswas, D. Ghosh, "RFID based Airport Logistics Management", in Proc. 3rd Innovative Conf. on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication & Computing (ICEMC2 2008), pp. 228-232, 2008.

D. Sheet, A. Kumar, A. Dutta, S. Dasgupta, T. Datta, S.K. Sarkar, "Realization and simulation of the hardware for RFID system and its performance study", in Proc. IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007), pp. 697-700, 2007. ⌊ IEEEXplore