
Youtube playlists [Clickable links]

  1. Python for numerics
  2. Low Re hydrodynamics
  3. Taylor dispersion
  4. Convective heat transfer
  5. Manufacturing processes
  6. Advanced concepts in fluid mechanics
  7. Basic concepts of fluid mechanics
  8. Thermodynamics using EES

Let me know if you have any video/topic requests!

Online courses offered

  1. Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics (SWAYAM Platform Online Course; Jan April 2019)
  2. Concepts in Thermodynamics (NPTEL; Jan April 2019)
  3. Advanced Fluid Mechanics (NPTEL: Sept Nov 2019)
  4. Tools in Scientific Computing (NPTEL: Jan 2021)


 A useful Python based Numerical Techniques course

A useful Python based Numerical Techniques course



1 Preliminaries and Data types lec01 lec01 https://youtu.be/eXfRVNtoHa4

2 Loops and Conditionals, Bubble sort lec02 lec02 https://youtu.be/XZXDlsCvlVQ

3 Commonly used functions, plotting, file IO lec03 lec03 https://youtu.be/T-4FqtQ6ruU

4 Matrix Manipulations and Mohr circle lec04 lec04 https://youtu.be/5GXjsSOJyUY

5 Nonlinear algebraic equations - Visualizing convergence lec05 lec05 https://youtu.be/oeQa3E2vHOg

6 Nonlinear algebraic equations - system of equation and Newton’s basin of attraction lec06 lec06 https://youtu.be/NECIjXk75bo

7 Overview of Jupyter Lab, Octave GUI, Spyder GUI - - https://youtu.be/G3AiOiIxHZk

8 Interactivity with Python - Ipywidgets lec08 lec08 https://youtu.be/g-ned-W3YT8

9 Geometric Interpretations of ODEs lec09 lec09 https://youtu.be/iOsHLO0ufhM

10 Bifurcations: Saddle node bifurcation lec10 lec10 https://youtu.be/LiZtA8qbtbk

11 Bifurcation: Transcritical bifurcation lec11 lec11 https://youtu.be/tvOwNUjfUW4

12 Bifurcation: Pitchfork bifurcation lec12 lec12 https://youtu.be/sLD8GrAZHtg

13 Imperfect bifurcations and catastrophies lec13 lec13 https://youtu.be/_c7v03u970A

14 2D flows - linear systems lec14 lec14 https://youtu.be/dAJcaeNDrzw

15 2D flows - Trajectories: spirals, star and degeneracy lec15 lec15 https://youtu.be/_tJdJz-UlMw

16 Phase portraits - nonlinear systems lec16 lec16 https://youtu.be/29M6TQP0YQY

17 2D phase portraits - limit cycles lec17 lec17 https://youtu.be/_89hIEKbdUs

18 Bifurcations and 3D flows lec18 lec18 https://youtu.be/ocQEJPEk4sE

19 1D Maps lec19 lec19 https://youtu.be/q1IYPwRNT3k

20 Monte-carlo simulations: Darts and Buffon’s needle lec20 lec20 https://youtu.be/1aq47SxEYCs

21 Probability density functions and sampling lec21 lec21 https://youtu.be/oOyowU-CsWc

22 1D Random walks lec22 lec22 https://youtu.be/JulmsJHJ0cI

23 2D Random walks lec23 lec23 https://youtu.be/BNHR97qS5qE

24 Boundary Value Problems lec24 lec24 https://youtu.be/HsTxBEgYD5I

25 Boundary Value Problems - p2 lec25 lec25 https://youtu.be/mWn91rkkp0U

26 Regular Perturbation for ODE lec26 lec26 https://youtu.be/PMeDdohCqUQ

27 Singular Perturbation for ODE lec27 lec27 https://youtu.be/NR8eJf9FgTY

28 2D Boundary Values Problems lec28 lec28 https://youtu.be/CPdt3n0_wRM

Make file for PETSc programs: makefile

29 PETSc and MPI basics lec29 C file https://youtu.be/HSThYF0LeGU

30 PETSc - Creating Vectors and Matrices lec30 C file https://youtu.be/kP7DAOrqECo

31 KSP object and solving a system lec31 f1 C file lec31 f2 C file https://youtu.be/ZQq865cWDic

32 Poisson equation in PETSc lec32 C file https://youtu.be/lSXBiLlyfJQ

33 Nonlinear Solver of PETSc lec33 C file https://youtu.be/Xgi4M6d9Hh8

34 Nonlinear solver with Jacobian in PETSc lec34 C file https://youtu.be/dnQZyOqGhZw

35 Reaction-diffusion system in PETSc lec35 C file https://youtu.be/L1-SdmbYEXo

36 Time stepping in PETSc lec36 C file https://youtu.be/7wJ_KDlp4AE

37 Heat transport using PETSc lec37 C file https://youtu.be/aL4vj-PiZxg

38 PETSc - Turing patterns lec38 C file https://youtu.be/omf3XSrScF0

39 Audio analysis - determine RPM of motor Fan audio Benchgrinder audio lec39 lec39 https://youtu.be/mNqQjdIipsw

40 Audio analysis - Doppler shift Horn audio lec40 lec40 https://youtu.be/aK_yje1W6tM

41 Image processing - preliminaries balloon video lec41 https://youtu.be/tu3Ezq5voxY

42 Balloon problem and viscous fingers viscous fingering - vid. courtesy Prof. Sourav Mondal and Pooja Singh, IITKGP lec42 https://youtu.be/-_skmn99F5I

43 Analyzing data files and 2D interpolation Datasets lec43 lec43 https://youtu.be/RlrgmV8mAas