CS 60078 Complex Networks

(Spring Semester 2007)

Niloy Ganguly (NG) niloy@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in

Teaching Assistant
Animesh Mukherjee (AM) Animesh.Mandal@iitkgp.ac.in

Resource Persons
Monojit Choudhury (MC)
Bivas Mitra (BM)


Class Room/Hours

Lectures : Mon - 4, Tue - 2, Thu - 5
Room : CSE 302
Units : 3-0-0
Credits : 3
Contact : Room #313 (CSE), Phone 3460


A list of useful books and materials is given below.

Related Course Webpages

Evaluation (Tentative)

Mid-sem : 20 (4)
Term Project : 35
Class Performance (Scribe, Assignment and Attendance): 10 
End-sem : 35 (17)


  1. 04.01.07 - Introduction,
  2. 08.01.07 - Graph Theory - Adjacency Matrix, Shortest Path, Incidence Matrix, Directed Graph, Connected Component, Rank - 1
  3. 09.01.07 - Graph Theory, Centrality (Scribe Graph Theory Basics ) - 5
  4. 11.01.07 - Centrality, Eigenvector Centrality
  5. 15.01.07 - Page Ranking Algorithm  (Scribe Centrality to Page ranking ) - 5 
  6. 16.01.07 - Core, Cliques and Clan (Scribe on Core, Cliques and Clan) - 16
  7. 18.01.07 - Equivalence
  8. 22.01.07 - Equivalence
  9. 25.01.07 - Equivalence (Scribe on Equivalence) - 16
  10. 29.01.07 - Small world properties
  11. 01.02.07 - Assortativity (Scribe for last two class) - 3
  12. 05.02.07 - Term project discussion
  13. 06.02.07 - Community Identification - (Spectral Bisection and Keningham Lin Algorithm)
  14. 08.02.07 - Community Identification - (Wu-Hubermann algorithm)
  15. 12.02.07 - Community Identification - (Michel Girvan and Radichchi ALgorithm)
  16. 13.02.07 - Pajek (AM)
  17. 15.02.07 - Community Identification  (Scribe for community identification) - 1
  18. 26.02.07 - Random Graphs
  19. 27.02.07 - Models of network – Random graph, E-R graph
  20. 01.03.07 - Construction of Random graph (etc) (Scribe on random Graphs - 13)
  21. 05.03.07 - Methods (Algorithms) of construction of Random graphs. Introduction to Generating function and Go(x) and moments.
  22. 06.03.07 - Generating Functions - Degree sequence
  23. 08.03.07 - Generating Functions - Distribution of second neighbors
  24. 12.03.07 - Generating Functions - Special degree distribution
  25. 13.03.07 - Generating Functions - Component Size
  26. 15.03.07 - Pajek (AM) (Scribe on Pajek - 11)
  27. 19.03.07 - Generating Function - Component Size
  28. 20.03.07 - Generating Function - Component Size, Evolution Model (Scribe on Generating Functions - 9)
  29. 23/03/07 - Evolution of networks, Preferential attachment, Random attachment
  30. 26/03/07 - Growth of networks, Emergence of power law. Price model, derivation of degree distribution using beta and gamma function in discrete growth model.
  31. 27/03/07 - Sub-linear, Linear, Super-linear1, Super-linear growth.
  32. 02/04/07 - Small World Network
  33. 03/04/07 - Connected Caveman Problem
  34. 05/04/07 - Watts Model, Newman Model, Klienberg Model etc. (Scribe on power-law and Small world - 14)
  35. 08.04.07 - Epidemics - SIR Model
  36. 09.04.07 - Epidemics - SIS Model
  37. 10.04.07 - Epidemics
  38. 16.04.07 - Epidemics in powerlaw network
  39. 17.04.07 - Search in Network (Scribe on Epidemics and search - 8)


  1. Assignment I - Assignment on Social Networks  (2,5)

  2. Solutions (partial): 2    5    10
  3. Assignment II - More Assignments on Social Networks (3,7,16)

  4. Solutions (partial): 3    7    16
  5. Assignment III - Assignment on Random Graphs (11, 13)

  6. Solutions (partial): 11    13
  7. Assignment IV - Assignment on generating function (6)

  8. Solutions: Not Submitted
  9. Assignment V - Assignment on growth and power-law (15)

  10. Solutions: 15
  11. Assignment VI - Assignment on small-world and powerlaw (12,18)

  12. Solutions (partial): 12    18


    Term Projects

    Every student has to carry out one term project. The term project consists of the following phases.