CS 60035 Information Retrieval

(Autumn Semester 2020)

Niloy Ganguly (NG) niloy@cse.iitkgp.ac.in

Teaching Assistant

Paramita Koley paramita2000@gmail.com

Arijit Nag arijitnag.iitkgp@gmail.com

Soumyadeep Roy soumyadeep.roy9@gmail.com

Avirup Saha saha.avirup@gmail.com


Class Room/Hours

Slot F, Room No NR 111
Units : 3-0-0
Credits : 3
Contact : Room #313 (CSE), Phone 83460

Classes Thursday 3 - 5, Friday 3 -4.

Books and Resources

A list of useful books and materials is given below.

Introduction to Information Retrieval Manning, Raghavan and Schutze, Cambridge University Press, draft.

Mannings problem solution


Evaluation (Tentative)

Test 10 minutes beginning of every class

Two online class test

Programming Assignments - 3

Tutorials - 4 (have to scan and submit after working with pen and paper)



