
Research Interests



 List of Projects
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[1] Multimedia Medical Information Systems for Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Sponsored by AICTE , April 1995 to June 1998.

[2] Scene Correlation Area Navigation
Sponsored by DRDL, Hyderabad, April 1991 to March 1994.

[3] Volumetric Representation of 3D Objects
Sponsored by the INSA, New Delhi, Feb. 1994 to Jan. 1997.

[4] Analysis of Echo Cardiogram Sequences NMR Images and
Doppler Images for Cardio Vascular Diseases Sponsored by MHRD, May 1998-2001.

[5] Telemedicine  over low speed wide area network (WAN)
Sponsored by DOE, March, 1999 - Dec. 2003.

[6] Telemedicine for Radiology over WBSWAN
Sponsored by WEBEL, Kolkata , April, 2002 - Dec., 2004.

[7] Deployment of Telemedicine System in Govt. Hospitals of West Bengal (DTGH)
Sponsored by WEBEL, Kolkata , April, 2004 - till date.

[8] Setting Up Telemedicine Facilities in Tripura (SUTF)
Sponsored by WEBEL, Kolkata , April, 2004 - March, 2009.

[9] Modeling and Management of Dynamic Objects (MMD)
Sponsored by DST , Sept., 2004 - March 2009.

[10] Real time simulation of Launching of Air Vehicle (LOAV)
Sponsored by Vision Comptech, Kolkata , Sept., 2004 - May, 2007.

[11] Deployment of Telemedicine Systems in Tripura (DOTP)
Sponsored by WEBEL, Kolkata , April, 2006 - till date.

[12] Web Enabled Medical information access using hand-held devices in a wireless environment for telemedicine applications (WEM),
Sponsored by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India. January, 2007 - till date.

[13] Development of telemedicine at remote CHC / PHC in Tripura (CHCPHC) ,
Webel, Kolkata, March 2009 - till date.

[14] Development of a Web-enabled c-Healthcare System for Neonatal Patient Care Services (eNPCS) (PCS),
Sponsored by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India. Sept., 2009 - till date.

[15] Image analysis for preservation and archiving of Indian Cultural Heritage (APA),
Sponsored by DST, Aug'2010 - till date.

[16] Preprocessing and Analysis of degraded documents under development of robust document image understanding system for documents in Indian script - Phase II (DRD),
Sponsored by MCIT, March'2011 - till date.