Image Inpainting through Metric Labelling Via Guided Patch Mixing


The contains the MATLAB code implementation of the image inpainting algorithm as reported in the following paper.

Veepin Kumar, Jayanta Mukherjee, and S. K. Das Mandal (2016), Image Inpainting through Metric Labelling Via Guided Patch Mixing, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 25, no. 11, Nov. 2016, 5212-5226. 

Please read the ReadMe.txt in the folder for compilation and running of the codes. Parameters as described in the paper are shown with comments inside the code.

These codes are provided in this web-site with the hope that they would be useful for the researchers working in the area of image inpainting. They may be freely used and modified for research and academic purposes with appropriate referencing and acknowledgment.