Health Informatics & Image Analysis Research Group

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

DeePhy: A Deep Learning Model to Reconstruct Phylogenetic Tree from Unaligned Nucleotide Sequences

DeePhy is a deep learning framework to infer triplet tree topology from a three sequences. The code is written in Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.9.


This program executes by taking three nucleotide sequences (FASTA format) as a single file. To compute the accuracy, it can take the correct the tree topology as one-hot encoded format where siblings are represented as 0 and outgroup is represented as 1.


This program infer triplet topology as a class level. In Newick format, (A,(B,C)) topology is represented as Class 0, whereas, (B,(A,C)) and (C,(A,B)) topologies are representated as Class 1 and 2, respectively.

Download executable (version 1.0)

For any queries, please contact:
  • Aritra Mahapatra
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
    Email: aritra DOT mhp AT iitkgp DOT ac DOT in
  • Jayanta Mukherjee
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
    Email: jay AT cse DOT iitkgp DOT ac DOT in