IITKGP: Signals and Networks Signals and Networks
Autumn 2019

Conducted by Prof. Tapas K. Bhattacharya and Avishek Chatterjee

LTP- 3-1-0,CRD- 4

Objective and overview, signal and system types and classifications, step response, impulse response and convolution integral; Periodic signal analysis: Fourier series and properties; Aperiodic signal analysis : Fourier Transform - its properties and sinusoidal steady state analysis of systems; Elements of electrical network : dependent and independent sources, active and passive components; classical differential equations for description of transient conditions of Network; Solutions of linear time invariant networks with initial conditions; Unilateral and Bilateral Laplace Transforms and properties; Transient solutions of networks using Laplace Transform; Network functions: poles, zeros, transfer function, Bode plot; One and two port network parameters and functions : Z, Y and ABCD parameters, driving point and transfer impedances and admittances; Network Theorems and Formulation of Network equations: generalized formulation of KCL, KVL, State Variable descriptions; Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer, Tellegen and Reciprocity Theorems; Graph theory: Tree, Co-tree, fundamental cut-set, fundamental loop analysis of network; Analog filter design: Butterworth, Sallen Key, frequency transformation and scaling;

All Study Materials for Signals part are here

Topics Notes
Signals Basics PDF
System Properties PDF
Solution of Linear Differential Equations PDF
Solution of Linear Differential Equations with forcing function x(t) = delta(t) PDF
Analysis of second order system in time domain: Damping coefficient, Natural frequency and Damped oscillation frequency PDF
Fourier Series-I PDF
Fourier Series-II PDF
Fourier Transform-I PDF
Fourier Series to Fourier transform PDF
Fourier transform to Laplace Transform PDF
Difference Equations PDF 1, PDF 2
Convolution and circuit response PDF
Laplace Transform and Circuit Elements PDF 1, PDF 2

Daily Notes

Chapters #Hours Notes
(Notes + Class discussions = Exam Syllabus)
(Videos != Exam syllabus)
1 Magnetically coupled circuits 3 classes
  1. Self and Mutual Inductances
  2. HAYT: Section 13.2-Equality of M12 and M21 (page 502),
    Establishing an Upper Limit for M (page 503),
    The Coupling Coefficient (page 504);
    Section 13.3-T and Equivalent Networks (page 507)
  3. Equivalent Circuit of a transformer
2 Network theorems 3 classes
  1. Substitution, Thevenin, Norton, Compensation, Tellegen, Reciprocity Theorems,
  2. Circuits with dependent sources
  3. Millman's theorem,
  4. Mesh and Nodal Analysis for special cases,
  5. Network theorems in Laplace domain
Suggested reading:
Hayt: Section 15.1, 15.2, 15.3;
Alexander: Section 15.5

Practice Problems:
Hayt: Exercise 15.1, 15.2, 15.3;
Alexander: Section 15.5

Fun Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4(Theoratical and optional): see below
3 Network analysis with graph theory 3
  1. Network analysis with graph theory
4 Two port networks 1
  1. Two port networks
After reading the notes, open the index page of D Roy Choudhury. Glance through the topic names listed in the index. There are quite a few additional topics. Guess what those could be just from the names/titles. If you can guess, you don't have to read it. If you feel curious about any topic, you may read.

Fun Exercise 4 (see below)
5 Frequency response: Analysis and synthesis (briefly) 3 All notes not available yet
  1. LTI System: Eigen functions and frequency response
  2. Bode Plot
  3. Basic and Sallen and Key Filters
  4. Topics in Network Synthesis
Play and have fun with this filter applet
The End

After each class, I shall put the answers to the questions and doubts raised in class. Also, if I make any mistake in the class the rectifiction would be put here
  1. We have studied compensation theorem where a compensating voltage source is used. Could you develop a new compensation theorem where a current source is used for compensating the change of an impedance.
  2. An old friend of mine (Mr. M.P.) claims that nodal analysis is always better than mesh analysis because nodal analysis requires less number of unknowns to deal with. According to him, the number of unknown node voltages are always less than the number of mesh/loop currents. I want to smash his pride by proving him wrong. Could you please help me.
  3. Mr. M.P. has given me this circuit to solve. The constraint is to solve using Mesh analysis only. To start with I do not understand how many loops should I take and which are they. What a messy circuit is this.
  4. Is the reciprocity theorem true for a two port network consisting of only linear dependent sources (No independent source)? If yes, then prove it. If not, then disprove it or find a counter example. A transformer can be thought of as a two port network with dependent sources. Please check if the reciprocity theorem holds true for a transformer.
  5. A Puzzle On Fourier Transform
  6. Epicycles: Watch the demo here . Can you relate complex Fourier series with this demo
Dear students, if you have a nice scientific story to explain a relevant topic or an experiment to demonstrate some idea, please share.

J Monday 2:00PM - 5:00PM Dual Deg CS, QDE
X Wednesday 2:00PM - 5:00PM Dual Deg EE, IE
N Thursday 2:00PM - 5:00PM EE 4 Year
P Friday 2:00PM - 5:00PM CS 4 Year

2 Transient and frequency response of R-L-C series circuit Derivation of transient response by solving a differential equation Part 1 (I may change it to make it similar to the way TKB sir taught in the class),Intro to frequency response (will be improved soon)
3 Active lowpass filter Opamp fundamentals (Explanations updated)
4 Fourier Coefficients of a Periodic Signal
5 2 Port Network
6 1 Port network Opamp fundamentals
The philosophy of negative impedance
Active negative impedance circuit with an opamp
Positive and Negative Feedback

Solutions Problem Sets on Networks Part
Midsem Question Paper, Solution
Class test Question Paper
Endsem Question Paper

Some of the final laboratory exam question papers
  • Question paper 1
  • Question paper 2
  • Question paper 3
  • Question paper 4

  • Part (Date)Numbers of the problems for which the required theory is taught in the class till date and which can be attempted with a little help from the tutorial teachers
    Part 1 (After July 20)Signal basics & various operations on signals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;
    On system types and its properties: 12 (a - e)
    Part 2 (After July 27)Signal basics & various operations on signals: 8;
    On system types and its properties: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 12 (f - h);
    On convolution (continuous time): ALL;
    On differential equations: ALL
    Part 3 (After August 7)On system types and its properties: 8;
    Problems on Fourier Series: ALL
    Part 4 (After August 22)Problems on Fourier Transform: ALL;
    Part 5 (After September 5)Problems on Laplace Transform: ALL;
    On system types and its properties: 3, 4, 5, 6, 11
    Convolution in discrete time time: ALL
    On difference equations: ALL

    1. Quiz 1