Depth-Based Gait Dataset

Welcome to the Homepage on Gait Dataset captured using Kinect!!

The dataset has been captured by our group using Kinect for carrying out research on gait recognition using depth data. Microsoft SDK is used to obtain the required data. It is being shared for the purpose of research and not for any commercial use. If you use this data for research, please acknowledge our work by citing our paper

Pratik Chattopadhyay, Shamik Sural and Jayanta Mukherjee, Frontal Gait Recognition from Occluded Scenes, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2015

Read the file "dataset_description.pdf" included in the archive for a detailed description of the dataset.

Click here to download the dataset

For further details, please contact: Prof. Shamik Sural, School of Information Technology, IIT Kharagpur, 721302, India.
Email: shamik * sit. iitkgp. ernet. in [Remove intervening spaces and replace * by @]